October 11, 2007

It's October and I'm 1 Year Older

Again I have the ability to disappear very quickly. I've had some freelance that has kept me busy. It has been fun work so it's not a complaint at all. As for what I've been up to on the side... planning a baby shower for one of my best friends. I've never thrown anybody a baby shower, so this all new to me and I'm excited to make a great baby shower! I have finished the invitations and mailed them out. They are ultra simple but cute.... baby food! Yum! :)

On another note, I realized that I haven't posted any photos of me for a decade now. I look a little different... I think anyways. My hair its naturally dark right now and I'd like to do something with it, but my mind's still pending on ideas... I'd like to go back to shades of red. By far my favorite hair color, however, somewhat high maintenance for this natural brunette.

Besides crafts, freelance and parenting... I am hooked on a few shows offered this season like Pushing Daisies. LOVE IT! (no... it's not because it's narrated by Harry Potter's audio book narrator Jim Dale * my eye twitched exposing the lie *, it's just the show is so beautiful. Beautiful visually but also the mood of the show, love it! I'm also hooked on The Office which I'm still catching up on DVD rented seasons... so I'm not watching the current episodes.

What else... well I turned 29! It was a lovely birthday. I was definitely spoiled with gifts from my hubby. By far my favorite gift was the Harry Potter Weasley clock. If you read the book, you know what I mean. ** wink **. Below is a pic of it! :) And that's all for now boys and girls!

Photo Courtesy and Property of The Official Harry Potter Warner Bros. Shop

1 comment:

Melissa said...

It's November and I tagged you! :-) I hope you don't find me annoying for doing so, but I wanted to give you an excuse to blog. MISS YOU!!!