June 26, 2008

Amen! It's a Tropical Waterfall!

Yes... I have dressed the walls of our Master Bedroom in the beautiful tone of a tropical waterfall. Actually that's just the name of the color I've painted the walls. We've been in our home for ahhhh about 3 years and I am just now feeling inspired to paint my walls. (My friend Mel had a lot to do with it.)

I've had 2 cans of paint on the floor for almost 2 months now! Sad, I know! Today I had the motivation to get it started. I am now inspired to change the look of our home. I'll be honest with you, when we moved into the home we live now I loved it, then a year later I hated it, now I'm just making it "ours." I know the home has wonderful potential to be what we want it to be, the hard part is finding the time, energy and funds to get things moving.

Below I leave you with an iPhone shot (sorry for the not so great quality). Our Master Bedroom is HUGE! I so wish it were smaller! I have one wall to finish and I'm pretty sure the walls are going to need a 2nd coat. What keeps me motivated is imagining the new light fixture I got from Craigslist. I can see it hanging beautifully from the ceiling. Yes, yes! I'm getting this done!!!

Want some more inspiration on home renovating and decorating, these two gals have it down: Making It Lovely & Melissa Yabberings. Need organizing inspiration, check this out: Organization is for Squares. I'm just now catching up with the cool cats! Cheers!


Melissa said...

Oh I love it!! I'm so jealous. That color is beautiful. I'm starting to not like the colors I chose. :-( The blue is too harsh. I wanted something serene and soft like yours!

Mrs. Maria said...

That's funny! You see as I looked at mine last night I told Jamel, "I was wanting something a bit more vibrant"... wanna trade? :P