August 11, 2007

Simply Saturday!

I have a hard time coming back here to re-tell the tale of my daily adventures. So here's a simple Saturday update.

I managed to take a Cake Decorating class this morning and I had a great time! I decorated 2 cakes and learned how to make a frosting 'rose'. I'm not that good at the roses, mine looked more like carnations, but I came home with 2 cakes (one which I gave to my mom). For those who don't know me.... I LOVE baking and I've often wondered if I missed my calling in that area. All I need after taking the class is a cake decorating turn-table stand. They're also teaching an Asian cuisine class... I may check that one out too!!! Weeeeee!

Nothing can be more right than pink & brown!

I've also made some cards! Finally! (I'm with you on that one!) I love making cards, but I have been rusty (still am) and I know there's tons of room for improvement. Tell me your thoughts about them. I went to and saw the millions of people that sell cards. I worry mine would just drawn among the competitors. There are some amazing designs in Etsy! Check it out if you've never been, though mostly everyone knows about Etsy by now! In the end though, I make them mostly for me, though I would not mind if they were special enough for purchasing! :)

It's hard to see on-screen, but this one has some
reddish glitter on the flourishes.

I love this love note card! I have yet to
use it or give it away!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Wonderful work, Maria! These cards rock, seriously. You are so talented and you'd better keep making cards. Make lots. And lots. And lots.